Need boat storage? Stirling Storage has the ideal site for all sizes of boats and storage containers for those with lots of seasonal outdoor gear, such as motorhomes, trailers, jet skis, kayaks and more.
Whatever your storage needs, contact Stirling-Storage Solutions for a custom quote tailored to your needs.
Our hard stand storage facilities are the perfect location for Alloa boat owners who either don’t have the space at home to store their boat over the winter, or for those trailering their boat frequently who’d prefer to have somewhere safe to store the boat that’s convenient to access and centrally located in Scotland.
For boats in need of storage space where repair work can be done, our clients have the advantage of any time access with unparalleled around the clock security.
Whether you need seasonal boat storage with security made a top priority, or if you need a secure yard to park your boat while you carry out repairs, you’ll find our storage facilities ideal at facilitating the storage requirements of vessels of all sizes, including motorboats, sailboats, rafts, kayaks, canoes and more.
Contact us for a custom quote for boat storage in Alloa
At Stirling Storage Solutions, we have a range of container sizes suited to storing a variety of materials, including small to medium sized vessels under 20ft. These can be ideal for those with more than one watercraft such as dinghy boats, jet skis or kayaks that you struggle to find storage space in your garage, or driveway.
With our outdoor storage containers, you can take advantage of storing all your seasonal equipment in the one location, whilst also benefiting from ease of access, giving you anytime access to all your equipment so you can use it, and come by to maintain your equipment on a schedule that suits you, rather than based on opening times.
By choosing Stirling Storage Solutions near Alloa for your boat storage requirements, we give you complete control over when you access your wares. Unlike other storage facilities, there’s no out of hour charges for weekend use or out of office hours access.
Come and go as you please with no restrictions and extremely flexible rental terms.
· Safe and secure site storage
· High perimeter security fencing
· Comprehensive CCTV equipment, consistently recording all angles of our storage facility
· Gated entry with secure key fob access with all uses logged
· Dusk to dawn security lighting
· All our container units benefit from purpose-built air vents and premium-grade security lock boxes.
Whether you need easy to access hard stand storage that you can tow your boat trailer in, park it up and drive away, or a storage container rental with drive up access for ease of loading and unloading with superior space at competitive prices, you’ll find the storage you need with Stirling Storage Solutions, where security is our top priority!
Address: 13-15, Craigleith Rd, Stirling, FK7 7LQ
Call us: 01786 649 649
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